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Post GPO Box 264, Brisbane QLD 4001

Indexed Balanced

This option caters for return-seeking investors who are willing to take moderate risks with their money, but would still like the safety of a proportion of Cash and Diversified Fixed Interest in their investment.

Return Target1

Return target of 2.75% per year above Consumer Price Index over 10-year periods after fees and taxes.

Risk: High

Risk: High

Negative returns expected 4.8 out of 20 years.

1 Investment markets are uncertain and future returns cannot be guaranteed.

Indexed Balanced - Estimated fees and costs

Administration fees and costs: 0.18% p.a. plus 0.03% p.a.1
Investment fees and costs: 0.11%
Transaction costs: 0.01%

See the Fees and other costs section of the Investment choice guide for a full explanation of the costs for each investment option.

1 This amount includes one off merger costs. This amount is not deducted from your account balance but is deducted from the Fund’s General Reserve.


Returns are reported on a basis of soft close valuations and are net of investment fees and costs and transaction costs, net of taxes, and net of the percentage-based administration fee (accrued in the unit price).

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