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Vanguard International Fixed Interest Index Fund

The Optimiser Vanguard International Fixed Interest Index Fund (Hedged) investment option closed on 31 May 2024. For details about this closure, please refer to the Significant Event Notice sent to members at You can find information on our current investment options at, but please note that our current open investment options may have the same name as previously closed investment options.

For those seeking modest returns from fixed interest only, or those wanting to build their own investment strategy when combined with other single asset class options. Prepared to accept likely low fluctuations over shorter periods.

Return Target1

Aims to track the return of the Bloomberg Global Treasury Scaled Index hedged into Australian dollars before taking into account fees, expenses and tax.

Risk: Low


Negative returns expected between 1 to less than 2 years out of 20 years.

1 Investment markets are uncertain and future returns cannot be guaranteed.

Vanguard International Fixed Interest Index Fund - Estimated fees and costs

Accumulation & TTR administration fees and cost: 0.59% p.a. plus 0.03% p.a.1
Pension administration fees and costs: 0.50% p.a. plus 0.03% p.a.1
Investment fees and costs: 0.26%
Transaction costs: 0.00%

See the Fees and other costs section of the Optimiser Investment choice guide for a full explanation of the costs for each investment option.

1 This amount is not deducted from your account balance but is deducted from the Fund’s General Reserve.

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