Phone 1800 444 396
Post GPO Box 264, Brisbane QLD 4001

Your contribution options

1 July 2024

Your super is a long-term savings account designed to provide you with financial support when you retire. It’s important to understand who can contribute, how to contribute, and what limits apply.

Contributions from your employer

While you work, your employer can pay money into your Brighter Super account in accordance with your employment contract, federal and relevant state laws, awards and any enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) that may apply.

Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions

If you work full time, part time, casually or, in some cases, as a contractor, your employer must pay SG contributions into your super account on at least a quarterly basis, as per the following table.

Period Payment due date
1 July – 30 September 28 October
1 October – 31 December 28 January
1 January – 31 March 28 April
1 April – 30 June 28 July

SG contributions are currently 11.5% of 'ordinary time earnings' (from 1 July 2024) and apply for most working Australians.

Ordinary time earnings is the money you earn for your ordinary hours of work plus extra money you get for over-award payments, performance-based bonuses, commissions, shift loading, allowances and certain paid leave.

What if my employer hasn’t paid SG?

Keep in mind there are generally delays from your pay date to when your employer pays contributions into Brighter Super (see the table above). For example, an SG contribution that applies to your July pay packet may not be paid until 28 October. You can check your contributions and manage your account securely using Brighter Super’s Member Online.

If you think your employer isn’t up to date with their SG payments, you should discuss the matter with your employer first. If you are not satisfied with their response, visit the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website to view your options.

Other employer contributions

Your employer may also make additional contributions to your super account, as prescribed by your employment contract, federal and relevant state laws, awards and any EBA.

If you work for Queensland local government, a water business or a local government entity, you may be required to contribute more than the SG to your super to receive a higher employer contribution.

Contribute yourself

Adding to your Brighter Super account, whether through one-off payments or contributing small amounts regularly, can help grow your super savings faster and give you more money to live off in retirement.

You can start growing your super savings today by making personal (after tax) contributions or implementing a salary sacrifice arrangement with your employer (before tax contributions).

Limits are set by the Australian Government and are known as contribution caps. There are different caps for your concessional and non-concessional contributions. For more information read our Contribution caps information sheet.

To pay into your super account you must be 74 years old or younger (a downsizer contribution is allowed after age 75).

How do I make a personal contribution?

Personal contributions are paid from after-tax money and are also referred to as non-concessional super contributions.

You can make one-off payments at any time or contribute small amounts regularly in one or all of the following ways:

Payroll deduction
Talk to your payroll area and ask them to pay an amount from your after-tax money each pay period.

Pay as often as you like through BPAY. Log in to your Brighter Super account securely through Member Online for the biller code and reference number, then start making payments.

Claim a tax deduction

Everyone under age 67 (and those aged 67 to 74 who satisfy the work test) can claim a tax deduction for personal contributions. While personal contributions are paid from after-tax money, when claimed as a tax deduction they will count towards the concessional contributions cap and be taxed at 15%. Our Superannuation tax information sheet has more information.

Get super support from the government

If you are employed and your annual income is less than $60,400 (for the 2024/25 year) you could be eligible to receive the Australian Government’s super co-contribution. For every $1 you put into your super from your after-tax pay, you could receive up to 50 cents from the Australian Government (up to a maximum of $500).

The full co-contribution applies to annual incomes under $45,400, with a reduced co-contribution for incomes up to $60,400.

Our Support for low to middle-income earners information sheet has more details.

Make an after-tax contribution for your spouse

If you make an after-tax contribution of at least $3,000 to your partner’s super, you’ll help them grow their savings and save a little extra on tax yourself. To receive the full tax offset of $540, your spouse must have an annual income of less than $37,000. The offset gradually reduces for income above this level and completely phases out at a total annual income above $40,000. Read our Super for your partner information sheet for more information and eligibility rules.

Consider salary sacrifice

If your employer agrees, you can arrange to salary sacrifice into super. This is where you agree to forego some of your before-tax pay and have your employer pay that amount directly into your Brighter Super account. By putting money into your super this way, you pay less income tax and have more money working for you in your super account. You could also take home more pay. Find out more in our Salary sacrifice information sheet.

Downsizer contributions

If you're aged 55 and over, you could be eligible to top up your super with proceeds from selling your family home.

Find out more on downsizer super contributions.

Tell us your tax file number (TFN)

If you don’t tell us your TFN, your concessional contributions could be taxed at a much higher rate, as will any benefits paid to you. You’ll also miss out on the Australian Government’s super co-contribution (if you’re eligible to receive it) and we cannot accept any personal contributions to your account. Log in to your Brighter Super account securely through Member Online to check your TFN status and tell us your TFN if we don't have it on file.

We’re here to help

For general questions relating to your Brighter Super account, please contact us.

To book an advice appointment, email us on or call us on 1800 444 396.

Brighter Super Trustee (ABN 94 085 088 484, AFS Licence No. 230511) as trustee for Brighter Super (ABN 23 053 121 564). Brighter Super may refer to the Trustee or the Fund as the context may be. Brighter Super products are issued by the Trustee on behalf of the Fund. The information contained is up to date at the time of publishing. Some of the information may change following its release. Any questions can be referred to Brighter Super by calling 1800 444 396, or by emailing

This info sheet provides general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. As such, you should consider whether it is appropriate in light of your own objectives, financial situation and needs prior to making any decision. You should consult a licensed financial adviser if you require advice which does take into account your personal financial circumstances. You should also obtain and consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any decision to acquire any products. A Target Market Determination (TMD) is a document that outlines the target market a product has been designed for. Find the PDSs and TMDs at